174Hz Solfeggio Pain Relief
174Hz Solfeggio Pain Relief
The lowest tone, 174 Hz, also affects us on the lowest plane, namely that of our physical body and energy. It's a natural anesthetic, relieving pain both physically and energetically, while giving our internal organs and yourself a greater sense of security and comfort.
285Hz Solfeggio Body Rejuvenation
285Hz Solfeggio Body Rejuvenation
285 Hz tone helps to heal tissue and brings them to the original form by sending a message to restructure the damaged organs and tissues. It helps in rapid healing of burns, fracture, sprains, cuts, and other injuries. It also enhances the immune system. This frequency is believed to create positive shifts to those in proximity to them. Here are some of the benefits of 285 Hz Solfeggio Music.
396Hz Solfeggio Luck, Success, Liberating Guilt / Fear
396Hz Solfeggio Luck, Success, Liberating Guilt / Fear
The Wealth Frequency - Success, Money, Power, Positivity, Prosperity, Determination Energetics
417Hz Solfeggio Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
417Hz Solfeggio Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
Benefits of 417Hz Solfeggio Frequency
528Hz Solfeggio DNA Repair
528Hz Solfeggio DNA Repair
Increases your connection to your heart
639Hz Solfeggio Love Relationships
639Hz Solfeggio Love Relationships
Enables the creation of harmonious interpersonal relationships
741Hz Solfeggio Detox
741Hz Solfeggio Detox
Helps with problem-solving, cleansing the body, and self-expression. It also helps to awaken intuition and promote living simply and purely. This frequency is ideal if you're struggling with living a healthy lifestyle, expressing creativity, or speaking your truth.
852Hz Solfeggio Returning to Spiritual Order
852Hz Solfeggio Returning to Spiritual Order
Helps to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, making it ideal when nervousness or anxiety is bringing you down. It also aids in awakening intuition and inner strength.
963Hz Solfeggio Awaken Perfect State
963Hz Solfeggio Awaken Perfect State
Associated with awakening intuition and activating Pineal Gland and also called Pure Miracle Tones.It awakens our crown chakra (Sahasrara) and raises the positive energy and vibrations and helps us to connect to our very source. 